
Caller in darkness
Caller in darkness

caller in darkness

caller in darkness

Its attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. It can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at will. It has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. The victim dies, and the caller gains 12 temporary hit points.Ī caller in darkness is harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. Doing so is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.


Stealing a victim’s essence is a free action it grants the caller 12 temporary hit points, and a permanent new screaming face appears within its cloud.Ī caller in darkness can also steal the essence of living, intelligent creatures within 30 feet that are paralyzed or sleeping, or that are helpless due to having a mental ability score reduced to 0 (often by the caller’s ego whip attack). (The physical body of the victim remains intact).

  • Includes the inherent +4 save adjustment described in the power.Īny living, intelligent creature slain by a caller in darkness’s touch attack is mentally absorbed into the monster’s consciousness.
  • Includes augmentation for the caller’s manifester level.
  • Psicraft +12, Search +12, Sense Motive +12, Spot +16īlind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, AlertnessĪt will- clairvoyant sense, concussion blast (two targets, 3d6*), detect psionics, ego whip ( 2d4, DC 16*), mind thrust ( 7d10, DC 16*) 3/day- death urge (DC 16), psychic crush (DC 13**), psionic suggestion (three targets, DC 14*) 1/day- co-opt concentration (DC 18).

    caller in darkness

    Hide +9, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (psionics) +12, Listen +16, Incorporeal traits, undead traits, unnatural aura, vulnerability to sunlight It seeks to draw others into its fearwracked, hellish existence.Ĭallers in darkness rarely speak, but when they do, they speak Common.ġ4 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +2 deflection), touch 14, flat-footed 11 A caller in darkness is an incorporeal creature composed of the minds of dozens of victims who died together in terror.

    Caller in darkness